Education Senior Citizen – ADCOSS Auckland District Council of Social Services Wed, 08 Mar 2017 03:21:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Age Concern Auckland Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 Support Services, Information, Advice and Personal Advocacy: Responding in person/phone to a range of queries from older people and their carers eg. Advising where to obtain a service, what is available. Providing confidential support and empowerment to older people.

Information Resources: Providing written materials eg. pamphlets and resources eg. videos and books.

Accredited Visiting Service:  Auckland has two Visiting Service coordinators who cover Central and West Auckland.  Volunteer Visitors are checked, trained and matched with lonely, older people living independently in the community, for regular, weekly visits.Accredited Visiting Service Central Auckland – Phone 820-2714

Accredited Visiting Service West Auckland – Phone 820-2713

Education: Holding education seminars for the public eg. positive ageing, Enduring Power of Attorney, WINZ.

Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Service: Providing confidential support, advocacy and information for people facing elder abuse and neglect.

Total Mobility Scheme: Providing assessment for people with a disability and provision of a Total Mobility card for discount taxi fares.

In-home Support: Referring on to recommended services (eg. trade services) that can provide for the necessary maintenance work to be done in client’s homes.

Blockhouse Bay Community Centre Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 The Centre is proud to offer a place of meeting for local people to use and its doors are always open to new events, activities or groups wishing to start up in the Bay.

Classes, room hire, community group venue,  School Holiday Programmes.

Dunkirk Road Activity Centre Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 The Centre offers affordable activities and classes ranging from coffee mornings to craft groups and learning activities such as  first aid classes or Healthy Eating.  We hire our venue for private functions and other community groups use our facilities.  We are able to offer our assistance with community development projects and work in partnership to achieve common goals. Check out their centre for the latest activities

Epsom Community Centre Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 This community facility has rooms available for hire, a community garden, various events for the community as well as a programme of adult and community classes.

Meadowbank Community Centre Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 Purpose/mission of Meadowbank Community Centre
To provide a focal point for community activity, embracing the diverse interests and needs of the people who live, work and visit Meadowbank.

Come along and join us for our many educational and recreational activities for Children and adults.
Community education classes
Early childhood education
Out of school care (OSCAR)
Community services & support
Venue Hire
Events & festivals.

Multi-Educational Support And Services Trust Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 Multi-Educational Support And Services Trust (MESST) is a small local charity making a huge difference to the lives of many Pacific people in New Zealand. We based at the Onehunga Community Centre providing OSCAR After School Care and Holiday Programme for children ages five to fourteen. We provide literacy support for adults and learners driving license, English language for non English speakers and computer for beginners. We promote the well-being of elderly in cultural and community health activities. All of which benefit the Pacific community by improving academic achievement for young people and with effective communication for older people. We ensure to maintain happiness and healthy in a safe environment for Pacific families and their communities.

University of the Third Age Fri, 22 Jul 2016 02:12:07 +0000 The purpose of U3A is to:

  • Encourage further learning by listening, understanding, contributing, researching and participating in discussion and relevant excursions about new topics.
  • Tap the great reservoir of knowledge, skills and experience of retired men and women.
  • Provide a venue for the meeting together of like minded people to learn, contribute and to make new friends in their local community.


“Those who teach shall also learn.
Those who learn shall also teach”
Peter Laslett – U3A Cambridge, 1981
This is particularly true of U3A which calls us to active learning, often beyond our comfort zone. This provides the zest and excitement of research and discovery about topics which, in our busy working lives, were completely inaccessible to us.
Main Meetings

  • Held on a regular basis. (Once a month, once every two months. Last about 2 hours.)
  • For half the time there is an invited speaker, a leader in their field of expertise.
  • Refreshments are provided with the opportunity to socialise.
  • After refreshments, a mini-talk is usually presented. This can be:
    • One member sharing their knowledge or experience
    • Study groups taking it in turn to present their “best”, recent talk(s).

Each Special Interest (Study) Group

  • Meets regularly once or twice a month.
  • Has between 6 and 20 members
  • Its programme is chosen and presented by its members.
  • Members are supported in organising their presentation if wished.
  • New members may present a 10 minute talk to begin with
  • Each member takes responsibility for presenting, to the rest of the group, information on the chosen topic. This may come from their own background, experience or research.. Outside speakers are sometimes invited to present but, on the whole members enjoy the opportunity to extend themselves.
  • Meets in members’ homes or at community centres.
  • A convenor from the group organises the “nuts and bolts”.
  • Any member should belong to at least one of these groups. There is no upper limit to how many groups a member may belong to. Just time!
  • The real socialising takes place in these small groups.
  • By doing this we strive to fulfil the spirit of U3A as stated by Peter Laslett who founded U3A.


Wesley Community Centre Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 Among the many activities on offer are two holiday programmes, a twice weekly Market Day, computer classes, homework centre, preschool, support services, health services, legal & budgeting services, language classes, exercise classes and much more.

The facility includes a playgroup area, outdoor courtyard, community offices, meeting rooms, computer room and a large function room. The playgroup area and the function room have kitchens and kitchenettes are available for use with other rooms.
