Housing – ADCOSS http://www.adcoss.org.nz Auckland District Council of Social Services Wed, 08 Mar 2017 03:21:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.5 Auckland City Mission http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/auckland-city-mission/ Tue, 29 Mar 2016 14:06:44 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/item/default-copy/ Helping Aucklanders in desperate need by providing excellent integrated services and effective advocacy.

Where your donations go: In the last financial year, our supporters…

Donated food, so 10,934 emergency food parcels could be distributed to families and individuals in crises

Donated funds, so 2,274 outreach contacts could be made with rough sleepers and homeless indivuals and families

Donated gifts, so more than 10,000 presents could be provided to children who would otherwise have gone without at Christmas time

Donated time, so that 4,220 volunteers worked a total of 24,622 hours, packing food parcels, sorting donations, and helping to organise the annual Christmas Lunch

Citizens Advice Bureau http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/citizens-advice-bureau/ Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/item/citizens-advice-bureau/ Search our community directory

It’s easy to use the CAB Community Directory. Simply type what you are looking for in the search box and then tick the box which says Search Services and Organisations Only.

Tenant’s Protection Association (Auckland) http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/tenants-protection-association-auckland/ Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/item/tenants-protection-association-auckland/ Support, advice and advocacy for tenants.

Tenants’ Protection Association (Auckland) (TPA) is an organisation providing support, advice and advocacy for tenants throughout the Auckland region and beyond. We are the only organisation working solely with tenants and we work with all ages, genders, ethnicities, cultures and classes. We support tenants in disputes with landlords in both the public and private sector. We offer training and education in the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 and the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2010 to community organisations and individuals.

We have a manual and an information pamphlet available, the pamphlet is free and manual is $20.00. We prepare tenants for Tenancy Tribunal hearings and accompany them when possible. Our preferred contact is by telephone as in most instances we need to ask questions about the issue and email communication is usually too slow to gain an understanding of the situation.

We are open every weekday morning.
