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The Centre is proud to offer a place of meeting for local people to use and its doors are always open to new events, activities or groups wishing to start up in the Bay.

Several spaces to hire as well as a variety of classes for adults, school holiday programs, parent and pre school groups. Check out their website for the latest events.

The Grey Lynn Community Centre is available to all members of the community. A selection of children’s and adult’s classes are held here and groups such as Citizens Advice Bureau and Plunket meet on a regular basis.

Our mission is to provide a focal point for community activity, embracing the diverse interests and needs of the people who live, work and visit Meadowbank.

We will support safe, healthy and strong communities by fostering a sense of pride and belonging.

Every year thousands of people pass through our doors at the Jubilee Building to participate in community classes and activities; attend meetings, weddings, seminars, church services and numerous other gatherings within the venue;.