Residents and Ratepayers Associations – ADCOSS Auckland District Council of Social Services Wed, 08 Mar 2017 03:21:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Auckland CBD Residents Advisory Group Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 A non-profit group set up to represent – as a stakeholder group – Auckland City Centre residents in issues relating to Auckland Council or any other agency whose actions affect them.

RAG publishes a quarterly e-newsletter “CBD Community E-News”. The newsletter is distributed to all RAG Members and more than eight hundred non-member subscribers. RAG membership is free to all residents living within the Auckland City Centre.

Eden Park Residents Association Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 For the last 10 years the Eden Park Neighbourhood Association (EPNA) has existed and battled to ensure that developments surrounding Eden Park had minimal effect on the neighbourhood.  However in the neighbourhood there is a feeling that the EPNA is no longer representative of the residents, as it is believed that some committee members no longer live in the immediate area.  There are many residents who have moved into the neighbourhood since the EPNA was formed and have never been invited to get involved.  Many of this new wave of residents has moved into the neighbourhood as they see Eden Park as an asset not a curse and welcome the opportunity to live next to such a wonderful stadium.
Eden Park Residents Association (EPRA) was formed in December 2005 because with New Zealand securing the 2011 Rugby World Cup hosting rights, there are going to be inevitable changes to Eden Park and there was little or no confidence in the existing neighbours association representing the views of the majority of the neighbourhood.
Eden Park Residents Association believes that because of advancements in internet technologies it is easier for more people to become involved and have their say.  With the voice of the neighbourhood the Eden Park Residents Association can now prepare submissions to any resource consents that the Eden Park Trust Board may lodge, confident in the knowledge that it has a true and fair cross section of opinion.
Eden Park Residents Association will endeavour to get more and more neighbours involved and registered as members, so electronic communication channels can be opened to better advise the neighbourhood of events that are taking place.  This website is intended to be focal point for views and opinions and has also been designed and built to be fully audited by any appropriate body.
Ellerslie Residents Association Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 N: No category or location on original. I have put what I think it should be. Also check map location.

We represent residents to promote their collective wellbeing. This includes preserving the character, heritage and community togetherness of Ellerslie by facilitating conversations with those responsible for providing infrastructure, amenities, and services.

Freemans Bay Residents Association Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 To promote and protect the interests and welfare of the citizens of Freemans Bay, Auckland.

The association supports the interests and welfare of residents living in Freemans Bay. This recognised character area has an eclectic mix of housing options including social housing (14%), townhouses, character cottages, villas and more substantive properties. At the borders of the suburb are apartment buildings and mixed use (low rise commercial/retail).

Grafton Residents Association Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 Representing the people of Grafton

The Grafton Residents Association  – or the GRA as most people call us – is an advocacy group, started many years ago by locals concerned about the negative impact of Civic and Private development on our Community.

Our small, dedicated team of Volunteers are all local residents who spend many hours of their own time to help your voice be heard within the Council and related Agencies.

Our aim is to:

Listen to your needs as a Grafton Resident

Help our community stay connected and feel safe

Voice your Concerns to Auckland Council and related Agencies

Keep you informed of the changes across our City that may affect your life as a Grafton Resident.

Grey Lynn Residents Association Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 Grey Lynn Residents Association wants to find out what you love about Grey Lynn and what you want preserved, and what you think is missing or needs to be changed or improved. The results will form the basis of our advocacy and activism work to make Grey Lynn the most liveable suburb in the world!

Meadowbank and St Johns Residents Association Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 The Meadowbank and St Johns Residents Association was created to encourage residents to be active participants in a thriving and vibrant community.

We meet monthly at 7:30 pm at St Chads Church, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank. All are welcome to attend.

Mission Bay and Kohimarama Residents Association Thu, 31 Mar 2016 07:23:19 +0000 The role of the Residents’ Association is to:

1. provide a collective voice for the residents of Mission Bay and Kohimarama when engaging with agencies responsible for providing local infrastructure, amenities and service;
2. promote the advancement, enhancement and protection of the district and its environment and its amenities

​The more feedback on issues, concerns or even encouragement we get from you, the residents of Mission Bay and Kohimarama, the more effective we can be, so please let us know what’s on your mind.

Mt Albert Residents Association Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 MARA’s objective is to serve Mt Albert residents, by protecting and promoting Mt Albert’s community interests, unique identity, character, heritage and environment; by fostering a strong, socially connected community; and by providing a focus, leadership and structure for advocating the interests of Mt Albert with national and local government agencies, local bodies, institutions or individuals.

In order to further this objective, MARA will strive to be informed and provide information, to encourage community participation, be a forum for discussion and finding solutions, to engage in legal proceedings and with council planning, to raise funds and accept donations, and to be objective, politically non-aligned and culturally aware in all its actions.

Mt Albert Residents Association (MARA) Wed, 06 Jul 2016 01:25:28 +0000 The Mt Albert Residents Association (MARA) provides a focus and leadership for the protection and promotion of Mt Albert community interests. If you have questions or concerns, we can help.

MARA’s objective is to serve Mt Albert residents, by protecting and promoting Mt Albert’s community interests, unique identity, character, heritage and environment; by fostering a strong, socially connected community; and by providing a focus, leadership and structure for advocating the interests of Mt Albert with national and local government agencies, local bodies, institutions or individuals.


Newmarket Community Association Mon, 04 Jul 2016 23:25:59 +0000 Newmarket Community Association provide a community perspective of what Newmarket is. We facilitate communication between local government and the Newmarket Community on issues that the Community would like to address.

Orakei Community Association Wed, 06 Jul 2016 01:00:42 +0000 We are dedicated to obtaining opinion from and represent the interests of the Orakei Suburb residents and to provide you with relevant information.

  • Serve the Orakei suburb, which roughly covers the area within Kepa Road, Tamaki Drive and Patteson Avenue, and excludes the areas represented by the  Mission Bay Residents Groups.
  • Obtain opinion from and represent the interests of the Orakei Suburb residents.
  • Promote a community spirit that encourages active participation by Orakei suburb residents in the efforts to develop a stronger, better connected community.
  • Develop and support actions to protect the environment, green-spaces and established trees in the area, and promote sustainability.
  • Engage with agencies responsible for providing and improving local infrastructure, amenities, and services, and ensure that these agencies make the best use of the resources allocated to them;

