Changing Minds; Strengthening Determination Te Pae Tawhiti o te Hinengaro.
We recognise and value the diversity of human experience and strive to work innovatively to encourage positive social change, particularly in the areas of mental health and addictions.
Changing Minds is all about information, education, and systemic advocacy. We are a small not-for-profit organisation that is working on strengthening the voice of mental health and addictions service users to ensure that people are treated fairly, with dignity and respect, and that every individual is given opportunity to live their life in the way in which they choose whether they have a diagnosis of a mental health issue or not. Self-determination in connection with others is one of our core values, which is why we endeavour to empower people to make a difference within themselves and within their communities.
We also aim to assist people to navigate their way through mental health and addictions services in Auckland.