Eden Park Residents Association

For the last 10 years the Eden Park Neighbourhood Association (EPNA) has existed and battled to ensure that developments surrounding Eden Park had minimal effect on the neighbourhood.  However in the neighbourhood there is a feeling that the EPNA is no longer representative of the residents, as it is believed that some committee members no longer live in the immediate area.  There are many residents who have moved into the neighbourhood since the EPNA was formed and have never been invited to get involved.  Many of this new wave of residents has moved into the neighbourhood as they see Eden Park as an asset not a curse and welcome the opportunity to live next to such a wonderful stadium.
Eden Park Residents Association (EPRA) was formed in December 2005 because with New Zealand securing the 2011 Rugby World Cup hosting rights, there are going to be inevitable changes to Eden Park and there was little or no confidence in the existing neighbours association representing the views of the majority of the neighbourhood.
Eden Park Residents Association believes that because of advancements in internet technologies it is easier for more people to become involved and have their say.  With the voice of the neighbourhood the Eden Park Residents Association can now prepare submissions to any resource consents that the Eden Park Trust Board may lodge, confident in the knowledge that it has a true and fair cross section of opinion.
Eden Park Residents Association will endeavour to get more and more neighbours involved and registered as members, so electronic communication channels can be opened to better advise the neighbourhood of events that are taking place.  This website is intended to be focal point for views and opinions and has also been designed and built to be fully audited by any appropriate body.