Raise the age of leaving foster care

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Raise the age of leaving foster care

Lifewise has teamed up with agencies around the country and ActionStation to create an online petition asking the Government to raise the age of leaving foster care.


Currently in NZ, young people leave care on their 17th birthday. While most teenagers their age are worrying about things like homework, these young people are scrambling to find a place to live and how to support themselves. Our staff see the worst possible outcome for many of these young people –  with no support networks, and nowhere to go, many teenagers become homeless before their 18th birthday.

With the current review of CYF, this is the perfect opportunity to ask the Government to raise the age of support from 17 to 21. We have collaborated with Youthline, Child Poverty Action Group, Wesley Community Action, Christchurch Methodist Mission, Dingwall Trust and ActionStation to create this petition. So far the Review Panel is on board and has supported lifting the age.  We need to keep the pressure on however so that government follows through and takes action.  Close to 7,000 New Zealanders have signed the petition so far.  Please help us get to 10,000.

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