Shanti Niwas is happy to announce the opening of ‘Shanti Niwas Emergency Housing (SNEH)

SNEH will provide Emergency shelter for the senior citizens, from the Indian and South Asian community who are in an abusive environment, at risk of being abused, or in dire need of emergency housing.

Shanti Niwas has been in the fore front of providing various culturally appropriate services for the enhancement and wellbeing of the older people of Indian and South Asian origin living in Auckland region since 1994.

In 2012 KHUSHI – Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention project was started, to recognize, prevent and respond to abuse and neglect of older people and ensure their wellbeing. While delivering its services, Shanti Niwas noticed the need of providing short / long term shelter for the seniors in abusive situations or in dire need of housing in our community.

The main objective of this shelter is to provide a safe and secure environment to our elders in such situations. Clients will be housed for an initial period of three weeks, with a maximum stay of three months. The initial period of three weeks will be used to provide breathing space for families as well as enable our Social workers to assess and identify suitable programmes for arriving at positive outcomes for the elderly.

Our first option would be to get our elders back to their families, however if moving back with the family is just not an option then we will look into alternative long-term arrangement. Shanti Niwas will assist its clients by providing ongoing counselling and mediation services. Our Social workers will work with the clients and help them with the process of resettlement. Shanti Niwas proposes to charge a small fee to the clients to defray a part of the expenses incurred in running and maintaining the SNEH facilities. SNEH at this stage will not cater to clients with high medical needs due to lack of resources.

Dosti Visiting service of Shanti Niwas will supplement the rehabilitation / resettlement of the client after discharge.

Dosti is a befriending volunteer service where the volunteer visits elders who live alone or with partners and are house bound or socially isolated from community either due to ill health, age, mobility, culture or other issues.

Caregiver – Trained In-house caregiver will assist the clients in the facility.


60 years+

Indian and South Asian origin

Clients without high health needs

SNEH is open for admission.

Interested persons may contact Nilima Venkat, Project Manager, or by telephone 096221010 Mob: 0212028406

Vijay Viswanathan, Volunteer coordinator, SNEH project Mob: 02108750936,


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