Toi Whītiki weaves Auckland's creative strands together

Toi Whītiki has been chosen as the name for Auckland’s Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan to recognise the important role culture and the creative sector plays in bringing the city together now and in the future.

“Toi” means “to walk on, march together” and also “the arts” in general. “Whītiki” translates as – to weave the strands together.

Toi Whītiki was officially launched on December 15, at the St James Theatre. In his address Mayor Len Brown said:

“Our strength is our cultural diversity. Toi Whītiki commits Auckland Council, the creative sector and the community to harness this potential over the next 10 years as we work to make Auckland the world’s most liveable city,”

Councillor Alf Filipaina thanked all those involved, particularly the many arts and culture stakeholders who contributed to the Plan, and expressed his delight at the council/creative sector partnership.

“Auckland is an exciting place to live right now. There’s no place in the world like it. Toi Whītiki puts down on paper where we need to head. This is just the beginning and we’ll only get there through strong partnerships between mana whenua, multicultural communities, Council, Creative New Zealand, our great facilities and of course the artists.”

Over 800 individuals and organisations, from the Auckland Art Gallery to grassroots community groups, were consulted and participated in the drafting of Toi Whītiki.  You helped decide what the arts and culture priorities are for our region and indicated how you might help to make arts and culture part of Aucklanders’ everyday lives.

A link to Toi Whītiki is attached for your reference. Please share it.